Posted by Carol
Enlightenment grasshopper consists of Chaos, Organization and Lists. Yep! That pretty much sums up my new life at the moment.
Imagine trying to put everything you need; food, clothing, cookware, bedding, various and sundry items that you can't possibly live without, into a space about the size of most folks bathrooms! Then add in Monty's tools which consist of two large bags currently exploding at the seams with things I don't even know the names for. Also included among the "necessary" gadgets and gizmos that just couldn't be left behind is a shop vac that just won't fit anywhere. So, (deep sigh) imagine if you will the Clampetts motoring down the freeway, their truck overflowing while buckling under the weight of their baggage and you get the picture. Thus the "Chaos" part.
And here I thought moving onto a boat would be easy!
So for my first challenge of the day, as Monty tackles lights and heat, is to stow away this mountain of paraphernalia. Now, I'm kind of a clean freak and putting things away into questionable spaces goes against my nature. So as I careen around in this rocking (literally) rocking boat my first task becomes apparent. I am reduced to the lowly rank of washer woman. Though never let it be said that I can't multi-task; as I cleaned, I stowed. Now, this I believed was a good thing! Unfortunately over the course of hours, I managed to forget where I put thing one and thing two! Which is no big deal until Monty wants something . . . as in, "I really need it now!" Thus the "Organizational" phase is learned.
Last but not least, the "List" part. First of all, you need to understand that any store, of any kind, is not just around the corner. Each leg of the journey constitutes a fifteen minute event (even with Monty behind the wheel!). There is no jumping in the car and running to the corner store to pick up a forgotten item. After our fifth trip (same day people) it becomes blatantly obvious that relying on our keen intelligence to remember said items was not very efficient. Hence, the "List" was born.
But all in all not a bad start. I am a bit enlightened about processes. There is a definite order in which to do things and most things I find take a bit of planning. Got some kinks to work out and a whole lot of learning to do.
I find I'm looking forward to the challenge.
Enlightenment grasshopper consists of Chaos, Organization and Lists. Yep! That pretty much sums up my new life at the moment.
Imagine trying to put everything you need; food, clothing, cookware, bedding, various and sundry items that you can't possibly live without, into a space about the size of most folks bathrooms! Then add in Monty's tools which consist of two large bags currently exploding at the seams with things I don't even know the names for. Also included among the "necessary" gadgets and gizmos that just couldn't be left behind is a shop vac that just won't fit anywhere. So, (deep sigh) imagine if you will the Clampetts motoring down the freeway, their truck overflowing while buckling under the weight of their baggage and you get the picture. Thus the "Chaos" part.
And here I thought moving onto a boat would be easy!
So for my first challenge of the day, as Monty tackles lights and heat, is to stow away this mountain of paraphernalia. Now, I'm kind of a clean freak and putting things away into questionable spaces goes against my nature. So as I careen around in this rocking (literally) rocking boat my first task becomes apparent. I am reduced to the lowly rank of washer woman. Though never let it be said that I can't multi-task; as I cleaned, I stowed. Now, this I believed was a good thing! Unfortunately over the course of hours, I managed to forget where I put thing one and thing two! Which is no big deal until Monty wants something . . . as in, "I really need it now!" Thus the "Organizational" phase is learned.
Last but not least, the "List" part. First of all, you need to understand that any store, of any kind, is not just around the corner. Each leg of the journey constitutes a fifteen minute event (even with Monty behind the wheel!). There is no jumping in the car and running to the corner store to pick up a forgotten item. After our fifth trip (same day people) it becomes blatantly obvious that relying on our keen intelligence to remember said items was not very efficient. Hence, the "List" was born.
But all in all not a bad start. I am a bit enlightened about processes. There is a definite order in which to do things and most things I find take a bit of planning. Got some kinks to work out and a whole lot of learning to do.
I find I'm looking forward to the challenge.